Category Archives: Lamps

Rapid Prototyping project lamp

I am starting to teach a 12 hour course on introduction to rapid prototyping at various maker spaces. The course is project-based, with each student designing a building a small, programmable accent lamp for their project. In order to provide an example for students to further develop, I have put together the lamp described on the RP Lamp 1 page. Brief build instructions, materials list and design files, and a few more details on the course are available for now. I have also uploaded a step-by-step tutorial on creating the example lamp base in Tinkercad on Youtube.

rpl_sidecone rpl_assembled

Desk Lamp 01

Just finished a can of nuts and a tin of Altoids? Then you have a good start on the materials to build this nice little desk lamp. This project is an easy and quick one, once you have all the materials together.

desklamp01 finished2The lamp makes a very flexible reading and task light that doesn’t take up much desk space. It’s numbered 01 because I intend to introduce additional functionality to the design in the future. For now however, you can build the basic model with the materials list and full build instructions posted to the Desk Lamp 01 page.