Workshops on “the stick”

I will be giving public workshops on this cool new Arduino-compatible prototyping device at Fuse Factory on September 4 and Idea Foundry on October 3rd.

The workshop features the M5StickC prototyping device from M5Stack. The “stick” is a compact Arduino programmable device that contains its own screen, battery power, and extendable sensors. It also provides full Bluetooth and wifi capability. Workshop students will learn the basics of programming the stick to add interactive display, light, motion, sound, and connectivity to their projects and prototypes. Each student in the workshop will receive a M5StickC kit to work with and take home. sign ups:

Pop up Innovation Station

I have had a great opportunity to help with a pop up maker space, the “Innovation Station” at our local VA center.

The space is open for one month only but it has given  exposure to making opportunities to a new audience who are full of ideas and life experiences. The project board quickly filled after opening with problems presented by both patients and staff of the center. Significant progress was made on moving a number of these projects into a prototyping phase.

A number of workshops were held in  addition to many one-on-one conversations and mentoring sessions. Innovation Station has been a great success thanks to the VA center, Local Tech Heros and a substantial group of volunteers