I had a wooden version of this toy when I was young and it was one of my favorites.
Making these things is never as simple as they seem like they will be. I broke several of the components from his design before I fundamentally redesigned all the parts to be more robust. I also deleted his maze and constructed one of my own that is significantly more complex.
I have included a zip file with all the 3D printable components. If you want to make one of these you will need to print 1 each of the base and the maze (either the finished maze or, even, better open the blank maze in a CAD program and design your own) and 2 each of the cams, knobs, and linkages.
The base, cams, linkages need to be printed in something more flexible than PLA (I used PETG) so the snap fittings don’t break. The maze and the knobs work fine in PLA. See his original for assembly instructions.
The stl files for printing my version are here.